Getting Started

Client Builder is designed to be used in the development environment, and we highly suggest you not use the generation framework in production. The main reason is the lack of authentication and authorization mechanisms to protect the exposed API.

In order to use Client Builder in your ASP.NET application follow the steps:

Install the framework

Install the package ClientBuilder from NuGet:

dotnet add package ClientBuilder


Consider that currently the framework uses .NET 6 as a target SDK

Register required services

In order to work properly you need to register all Client Builder services into the dependency injection container. To do that use the following code:

if (builder.Environment.IsDevelopment())
    builder.Services.AddClientBuilder(options =>
        // your configuration comes here..


Skip the registration of the required services if your application is outside of development environment

You can find more information about the configuration of Client Builder services in the Configuration Section.

Enable UI and API endpoints

In order to consume easily the framework capabilities you need to enable the Client Builder UI and its related web API. To do that use the following code:

if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())


Never expose Client Builder endpoints if your application is not in development

Define scaffold modules

Client Builder is designed to provide generation capabilities to your application. The main elements of the generation are the scaffold modules. More about the modules can be found in Scaffold Modules Section.